Friday, July 10, 2015

Weekly Challenge May 2015

The Weekly challenge at WickedliquidFX for May brought some interesting challenges. With work and a in state vacation for a week it was hard to complete everything but I was able to get one done for each piece of inspiration. Here are my submissions for that month.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Weekly Challenge April 2015

The Weekly challenge at WickedliquidFX for April brought some great inspiration and a chance to try some new things. Here are my submissions for that month.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekly Challenge March 2015

One more month down in the weekly challenge. Was busier than normal this month but I was able to get them all done. Roughly 2 hours each.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Weekly Challenge February

The weekly challenge is going strong at work with some decent participation for February. Were now entering our third month of the series and although its hectic to finish each week I'm happy with the results. Here are my submissions for this month

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Weekly Challenge January

At WickedliquidFX I started a weekly challenge to promote creativity and discussion within our creative network. I got the idea form a company called Random42 and have taken there idea of a two hour project into a once a week test at making a completed piece. Here are my finals for the Month of January.